Difference between JavaScript and jQuery

Difference between JavaScript and jQuery 

(Notice - If you want a job in a company then you should learn JS and after that it depends on you that you want to learn jQuery or not).

JavaScript - JavaScript is a client side scripting languages and it's also a interpreted programming language which is used to make logics like for creating a navbar we have to click on the button and a responsive navbar will open for mobile and more examples are there but jQuery is a library, which is also used to make logics like this but in jQuery you have to code less compared to JS through which it will be easier for you to understand your logic which will help to make better logics and become a good web developer but JavaScript also have some pros like if you learn JavaScript then you can easily learn a back-end language called Node JS which is a JavaScript runtime which helps you write JavaScript in back-end but if you want to use Node JS as a back-end you have to learn modern JavaScript with basic JS.

Jquery - As same as JavaScript jQuery is used to add logic in a webpage but jQuery is faster and easy to learn compared to JS for JS you have to learn the basic JS also and the modern JS also for making advance logics as jQuery but in jQuery you only have to learn the normal jQuery like a 1 hour tutorial basic jQuery for making advance logics as modern JavaScript but as like cons JavaScript also have pros like if you learn JavaScript then your programming knowledge will grow and you can also do game development through it using the Godot Game Engine or any code editor like - VS Code Or Sublime Text 3 etc.

Conclusion - I will recommend to use jQuery and JS both because if you learn jQuery then you have to code less, your page will load faster and you can make advance logics for websites by just learning only a 1 hour basic tutorial of jQuery your time will be saved in that saved time you can learn more front-end libraries, frameworks or back-end development. But I will also recommend to learn JavaScipt for those who want to become a programmer and want to develop games or they want to use Node JS as a backend language so for those JavaScript is the best language through which you can start as a beginner in programmer and game development.

Tip: If you want to do game development then you can use godot game engine it will help you to create your first game and you can also use Unity version 1.0 because also supports JS and it's called as Unity Script or else you can create a web game like Mini-Royale, either.io and more using VS Code or any other text editor.

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