Node JS vs PHP

Node JS vs PHP which is better comaparision, history, conclusion and more.

( Today we are going to discuss about which is the best backend language for web development )

Node JS

Node js is a very popular language as like PHP. It was releases 2009 in the month of May it was developed by Ryan Dahl it was developed for JavaScript developers so that they can write backend using JavaScript and it helps to write JavaSript in backend and even you can make it dynamic easily using PUG and more libraries are there as like PUG that will help you to make a dynamic website. Some of the advantages that helps JavaScript developers to create backend of website are - it is scalable, if you are JavaSript developer it's very easy to learn NODE JS, it helps you to create cross platform app, high performance, it has a large community so if you face any problem while writing your code in Node JS then you will find the solution for the problem, caching and more advantages are there but there are also some disadvantages of this language are it has unstable api, lack of libraries support, asynchronus programming model etc. But if you discuss about it's demand in freelancing then it is popular for creating web applications and in that category it has high demand whereas for web development it has less demand compared to PHP but if you go for finding a job as a NODE JS developer or a web developer who has a knowledge of NODE JS instead of PHP then there are jobs available in market with a good amount of salary. Some of the popular websites that are created using this amazing language are - LinkedIn, Paypal, Trello, eBay, Medium and more popular websites are there.


PHP is also a backend language it is used to create backend of websites so that they send users data from the front end. PHP was released in 1995 and it was developed by a company called ZEND technologies. It was created for creating backend of websites it was mojorly created for this purpose only. Some of the advantages of PHP are - it is very easy to learn, it has a large community so that if you face any error then it's solution is already available, it has a big database support, it can be deployed in almost every server and as like advantages let's discuss about it's disadvantages - it is not suitable for creating desktop applications, external dependency, a bit slow and more disadvantages are there for PHP but the main thing is that it's very secured and you can create backend of WordPress websites using PHP and MySQL. Some of the websites that are created using PHP are -Facebook, Yahoo, Wikipedia and more popular sites are there. 

Conclusion - PHP is better because it has very high demand in freelancing and web development and you will find many companies that will provide jobs for PHP it is easy to learn and secure that's why it's a better choice compared to NODE JS Or any other backend language. 

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