What is Go | why it is used | All-time-dev

What is Go | why it is used | All-time-dev 

Today let's discuss about Golang and why is it getting so popular. What are it's uses pros and cons today we are going to cover everything but if you like our post then please share our content and show your love towards us. Thank you !

What is Go ?

Go is a very easy to learn and is a backend language from google it is created by google by some of it's softwares developers name Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson. This is a complete open source language which was released in 2012 it has a very easy to learn syntax and it is very powerful yet easy. You can write backend using this language like PHP which is to make connection between the database and the contact form or any other form or page it makes us easier to create softwares too and even it is very fast compared to python. It is 40 times faster than python means that your code compilation will be much most faster.

Why Go is used ?

Go is mainly used for writing backend and creating software however other languages like PHP and NODE JS in backend writing and python, Java and Kotline for software creation are mainly used instead of Golang because Golang doesn't have a very big community means you cannot find any errors solution directly you have deep research to find that error's solution else you have to contact a web developer for that who is mastered in golang and the other reason is that it doesn't have many libraries but as if it has cons it also has some pros like it is easy to learn, very fast, efficient and well scaled and you can also find it's tutorials on YouTube to learn this amazing language. I will recommend to watch the Edureka! tutorial.

Why Go is it getting so popular

As Go is also getting popular in these days but why is it getting so popular many of you may think because of it's features I have given mentioned in the why it is used section and if you are creating a softwares these features helps you a lot and as time is passing golang's community is also growing and it's also getting easy to find it's solution. So, there are chances that it will be highly used in other companies to create softwares in future. From past some years and now Python and Java are mostly used for creating softwares and for IOS devices Swift and Object C and it is suited for developing infrastructure like networked servers.

Which companies are creating their softwares through GoLang ?

  • Google (Main Company who built it and using it)
  • Uber
  • SendBird
  • Dropbox
  • Twitch
  • Soundcloud

Is Go better than Python ?

No, because Golang is fast, reliable and has some many big pros and many companies are also adapting it but Python is getting used more than Golang and Python is more old and has more bigger community than the golang one and in my terms it is like a tree which has a lot of branches in which you can do work. Like through Python you can create games using Pygame, you can create apps using it and you can do machine machine learning, backend development using it's popular library Django and etc. While Golang doesn't has a lot of libraries and it even not comparable to python because it is mainly used for just creating backend and handling networked servers. But may this can become the new Python of the world till 2030 or it cannot may be. But now it is comparable to C language.

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