Difference Between Static And Dynamic Site.

Difference Between Static And Dynamic Site.

An edited image by All-time-dev with laptop in background and with an heading in the center of the image

Dynamic VS Static Sites

For creating static websites you need to know only HTML, CSS, and a little bit of JS but for a dynamic site, you need to know the whole web development roadmap you need to know HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, or Node JS, and MySQL or Mongo DB.

Static websites are simple sites in which the users cannot give their input they can only see the information given there while in a dynamic website, the user can also give their input, and for that, they will also respond to a very good example of this is a contact form. 

For example, you have created a static site and you have added a form there but there is a problem you cannot use that form without any backend which is a disadvantage of static sites while in a dynamic website, you have a backend in which when the user gives its data it's get stored in the database and now can send notifications to the user. 

And a disadvantage of dynamic websites is that they take a lot of time to be created compared to a static sites. And static site has two problems if you have created a static site then for changing anything like the links in the menu then for that such changes also you have to code you always have to code for anything you want to change you cannot change it dynamically in dynamic sites you can do such things and if you want to do freelancing then you mostly get clients who want a dynamic and you will get only a little bit of clients who want a static site. 


In my recommendation, you must go for dynamic sites because if you learn to create dynamic websites then you will get more clients for freelancing and you can charge more than 5 times compared to a normal static site. 

For creating a static site the client will give you around 2000 or 3000 but for a dynamic site you will get up to 15000 or 16000 and even more than it, you don't have to code every time for changing small things in your site and your users can also contact you easily without any issue. 

However, it's true that creating dynamic sites and learning how to create dynamic sites take much time compared to static sites but it's totally worth it.

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