Web Dev Series 2 - CSS types , Img, Animation.

Web Dev Series 2 - Img, Animation, Positioning.

Img: This Tag Is Used To Add an Image only you have to use the tag and then specify the location of the image ( For Ex- img-src: Images/Logo.png ).

Center: This tag is used to center the div or the element horizontally.

Keyframes: This is a part of CSS Animation to use this first we have to mention the name of the animation like animation-name: Web-dev; and then we have to specify the duration we have to write that we use animation-duration: 5s; and we have to write how many times the animation will repeat itself it's like - animation-iteration-count: infinite and at last animation-timing-function. This is used to set the timing of the animation like how the animation will work is ease-in-out, linear(the animation has the same speed from start to end) or according to other to such values the property will work.

Positioning: To use the positioning in CSS there are two values relative and absolute. Relative - This is used to set the relative position to the div through which the elements in the div can start from the relative position. Absolute- This is used to set the absolute position of the element in the div the absolute position is always from the relative position and the value in the relative and absolute can be top (number - percentage or pixels, etc) bottom (number - percentage or pixels, etc) left (number - percentage or pixels, etc) right (number - percentage or pixels, etc)

Br: This tag is used to break the line of a text or an element.

Span: This tag is used to write the text in the same line as other text without breaking the line.

Paragraph: This tag is used to write a paragraph or a sentence in small fonts if you want to increase the font then you can use font size to increase the font.

Inline-CSS: This is used to write CSS In A Line.

Internal-CSS: This is used to write CSS on the page between the <head></head> tag.

External-CSS: This is used to write CSS externally using different CSS selectors and like for creating an html file we use .htm or . html like that is only for creating CSS like we use .css. Like if we give a class or an Id to an element then we write use the selector for class in the CSS page and then we use . and then write the class name for using class in the external CSS page we use (.) and or id we use (#).

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