Learn web development - what is an anchor tag in html and more

Learn web development - what is an anchor tag in HTML and more

What is a Header tag?

This tag is used to make code easier to understand if the header tag is used means the code written in the header tag is used to create the header part of the website.

What is an anchor tag in html? 

This tag is used to add links in the text, buttons, etc.

Button: This tag is used to create a button.

Div: This tag is used to create a division in the webpage.

Float: This is not in HTML or In HTML version 5, this is used in CSS to create layouts in HTML, in Float the value can be left, right, none, etc.

h3: This tag is used to add text to the website and according to the number in h3 the size changes if we add h1 then the font size will be h2 then the font size will be bigger than h3 and smaller then h1 and if we add h3 then it will smaller in size compared to h2 font and more significant compared to h4 font and so on.

cursor: This property is used to specify the cursor type and in the cursor, the value can be the default, pointer, auto, etc.
Color: This property is used to add color to the text of buttons, in the link, etc.

Background-color: This property is used to add background-color in the button the value can be any color in hex-code, RGB, or any name, etc.

Text-decoration: This property is used to remove or give underlines on the link etc.

Border-radius: This property is used to set the border's radius, which means how to keep the border circular.

Border: This property is used to set the thickness, weight, and color of the border. The border thickness can be in pixels or percentages or any other value.

Font-weight: This property is used to specify the weight of the font means how thick or light the border can be?

Font-family: This property is used to specify the type of font. We can use font families from different types of font family providers like Google fonts, dafont, etc.

Width: This property is used to set the width of the element.

Height: This property is used to set the height of the element.

Outline: This property is used to set the outline of the element. For Example - If we add a button to the webpage and when we click on the button it always forms a dark-colored border to remove that we use an outline and we can also use an outline for other things.

Margin-right: This property is used to add margin from the right to the element to which we are giving this property it can be either in pixels or percentages.

Margin-left: This property is used to add margin from the left to the element to which we are giving this property it can be either in pixels or percentages.

Margin-top: This property is used to add margin from the top to the element to which we are giving this property it can be either in pixels or percentages.

Padding-Right: This property adds padding from the right to the element.

Padding-left: This property adds padding from the right to the element.

How to add a gradient In the Background?

Ans: Add An Attribute called Background: and then add the gradient color in it if you want to add gradient color to your website then there is a site called G-Colors that provides gradient colors for free and their gradients are very beautiful Here is the link of the site. Click Here and if you want to add colors or beautiful-looking background colors then there are two recommended sites from me one is Flat UI And the Other Is G-Colors (G-Colors Also Provide Color Palettes). But If You Want A Comparison between these G-Colors And Flat UI then comment in the comment section.

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