App vs Web Development demad supply, conclusion and more

App vs Web Development demad supply, conclusion and more

Web development

In nowadays web development is becoming more and more popular it is very high in demand but it's supply is too much due to its ease of learn, high demand and a lot of jobs available in this field you can do front end development, backend development and you can also work as a full stack developer or become a UX and a UI designer and more jobs are available in this field but you will find a lot of competition in this field because there are more and more people coming in this field day by day and it has very big community so if you want to learn web development or you face any error in your code then you can solve by watching a tutorial on YouTube or you can W3Schools or any other site. You have to learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, for becoming a front end developer and if you want more salary as a front end developer then you also have to learn SCSS, jQuery or React JS, Bootstrap and Angular or Vue JS and if you want to become a backend developer in this field then you have to leant PHP and MySQL or Node JS and Mongo or you can become a backend developer by learning Django or else you can start working with PyMongo. Now let's discuss about some of it's website builder so that you can develop a website without learn codong. So for that you have to learn WordPress or you can use Wix, Zyro and more website builders are there but I will recommend to use WordPress and if you want to know about what is WordPress and want to know about some of its pros and cons and if you are wondering that why should I learn Custom coding if I can use WordPress then you can visit my post WordPress vs Custom Coding. 

App Development

Now let's discuss about some of the pros and cons of app development. The demand of the app are very high but it's supply is not as like as websites but if we discuss about jobs in this field then there is a lot of jobs in this field like websites but for this field has tow categories for creating apps one Android Development through which you can create apps for Android devices and the other one is IOS App Development through which you can create apps for IOS devices popularly known as Iphones for learning IOS development you have to learn Swift and for creating apps for Android you can learn any of these three languages Java, Kotlin or React Native but if you want to develop apps for Android and IOS both then you can learn Flutter and Dart and some of its popular app builders for Android app development are Kodular, Niotron, Thankable and more. Some of the popular app builders for IOS are Appify, Swific and more. It also has a big community and a lot of developers are using Java compared to Kotlin so if you are learning Android development then I will recommend to learn Java only because Kotlin is a bit new compared to Java and Kotline doesn't have a big community so that if you face any error in Kotline then may face problems while creating apps with it. If you want a detailed post on this topic then comment. 

Conclusion: Website development and app development joth of them are good but if we discuss about ease of learning then website development is good but if we talk about supply and demand then app development is better so it depends on you that what you want to become if you want to become a web developer and want a good job then you can learn web development and same case with app development. 

Both of them are good. 

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