What are HTML and XML uses, pros, cons and more.

What are HTML and XML uses, pros, cons and more. 


HTML is a markup languages the full form of HTML is HyperText Markup Languages it is used to created structures of websites it has tags through which you can create a structure of a webpage and then you can style it using internal, external or inline CSS some if it's tags are h1 tag, span tag, button tag and more are there. Some of its cons are that you can use it to create websites for creating apps you have to learn XML only we will discuss about it in the XML section, it's not good for making websites responsive and it also have some pros like it's very easy to learn and it also has a big community so that it's tutorials are easily available and for any problem you can visit popular sites like w3schools. 


XML is a very aweome language it is also a markup language like HTML a difference between both of them is that it is used to create apps whereas HTML is used to create websites both of them are same let's take a close look to it's history it was it was created in 1996 and first published at 1998 at the month ( according to w3 schools)of February it was created by Charles F. Goldfarb, Ed Mosher, and Ray Lorie at IBM it's full form is Extensible Markup Language as like HTML it is also very easy to learn and also it's tutorials and courses are available. 

Conclusion: Both of them are good if you want to create structures of websites then HTML is necessary and for creating apps XML is necessary so both of them are good and there isn't any competition between both of them as both of them are used on different fields. 

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