Jquery VS React

Jquery VS React

What is jQuery ?

Ans: jQuery is a very popular JavaScript Library which is used to simplify your JS coding it helps you to create beautiful animations, improving your website's speed and using multiple plugins to add beautiful features in your website easily like OWL carousel, animations on scroll, accordion, slider, forms, events, gallery, calender, beautiful interactive preloaders, text effect, Zoom effects, tables, pop up windows, alerts and more and in the last year it was the best JS library used by a many people. The developer of this amazing library was January 2006 at BarCamp NYC by John Resig, influenced by Dean Edwards and currently maintained by a team of developers led by Timmy Willison (with the jQuery selector engine, Sizzle, being led by Richard Gibson) and at that time when JavaScript was not so modern and advance as of now and developers were facing creating animations, sliders and a logics and then jQuery which helped all the web developers to create amazing logics and animations and then many people started creating a lot of amazing plugins using jQuery, some of the popular jQuery plugin providers are Slick Slider, Muuri Clusterize, AnchorScroll, Timeline, Focuspoint, Cropper, Shepherd and more but as of now JS is modern and very advance and now you can create almost everything that jQuery helps you to create and for animations you can use CSS keyframes and transitions and many people are using JS instead of jQuery. And I have also created a blog post where I have compared jQuery and JS where I have mentioned the advantages and disadvantages of both JavaScript And jQuery and what you should learn as a web developer professional or a beginner ? and if you don't want to create a single page application then I will recommend to use jQuery or JS only and we will talk about single page application in what is React ?

What is React ?

Ans: React is also a library many web developers say that it's a framework but it's a library whichn was created by a developer of Facebook the developer name was Jordan Walke and now it is maintaining by Facebook, it is very popular as of now it is a library through which you can create single page application itlf you are wondering that what is a single page? A single page application is web application which is create in a single page but it look like it is a multi page application a single page application doesn't load the same content in your web page does load like the same header and the footer and onlynnew content in will load which will increase your website speed. And through react you can easily create a single page application compared to a framework like Angular and those who have learned angular they know how easy is to learn React? But as of react is gaining more and more popularity and there are high changes that in future React will the most popular library but you should learn some things before using react they are HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT all three languages are necessary for learning react it has some features are it has huge community of developers on github and now if some of new beginner web developers are wondering that what are the benifits of having a big community of developers for a language, library or a framework then it has a big very big feature like if you stuck on any problem then you will find some forms or tutorials to solve it easily or else you can talk to a developer for that. So it is a very amazing feature for immediate, advance or beginner web developers and more things are there that makes React an amazing library.

Conclusion: In my terms I will recommend both the apps in different circumstances like if you are a JS developer or you want to MERN stack development work and want to create single page applications and web applications then React is a good choice but if you want to create simple websites or you want to use jQuery plugins and want to create amazing animations and simplify you JS code then jQuery is the best choice for you. So it depends on you that what you want to be.

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