MySQL vs Mongo DB which is better?

MySQL vs Mongo DB which is better?

MySQL vs Mongo DB

In this post, we are going to find out which one is better Mongo DB or MySQL. We will talk about their advantages and disadvantages their ease of use and a lot more. So if you like our post and want more posts like this so share our content and show your support to us. Thank You! 


MySQL is an open-source relational database management system where the developers can store their user's data like name, password, contact number, and more in the form of tables and if you have created a contact form then it will be connected by a backend which can be created using PHP or any other language. It is based on SQL (Structured Query Language). MySQL was created by a Swedish company and was founded by Swedes David Axmark, Allan Larsson, and Finland Swede Michael. Monty Widenius is known as the father of MySQL and he (Monty Widenius) took "my" from the combination of her daughter's name. So this is a brief history about MySQL and its name and why is it used? And more. So let's talk about some of the advantages of MySQL -
  1. It keeps your data safe
  2. It has high performance
  3. It is scalable
  4. It is open source
  5. It has a big community
  6. It has overflow control
  7. Its tutorials and courses are easily available. 
And there are more features of MySQL are there but if there are advantages and there also some disadvantages -
  1. It is not very efficient in handling very large databases
  2. It doesn't have a good debugging tool
  3. MySQL versions under 5.0 don't support COMMIT,  stored procedure, and ROLE. 
  4. It doesn't support SQL check constraints. 
And some more little bit disadvantages are there of MySQL but it has a lot of advantages than disadvantages and it is solving those disadvantages whenever it launches an update. 

Mongo DB

Mongo DB is a NoSQL database management program. It is mainly used as a replacement for old relational databases like MySQL etc. It was created by MongoDB Inc. Mongo DB was first founded in 2007 by Dwight Merriman, Eliot Horowitz, and Kevin Ryan and it was introduced in 2009. Now Mongo DB is owned by Search Giant Google. Dev Ittycheria is the CEO of Mongo DB and its headquarters is in New York City of United States Of America (USA) it is mainly used with NODE JS (A JavaScript runtime environment) as same as PHP is used with MySQL. So this is also a brief history and uses about Mongo DB and we also get to know that what is it? So, let's also find about its advantages and disadvantages -
  1. It has flexible document schemas
  2. It can be used with multiple backend languages like Node JS, Python, PHP, and more. 
  3. It has a change-friendly design
  4. It has easy horizontal scale-out
And more advantages of Mongo DB are there but let's find about its disadvantages -
  1. It uses high memory
  2. There is a limit for document size
  3. It doesn't have transaction support
And there are also some little bit disadvantages of Mongo DB but overall it is good. It is also very popular for using it with MERN and for creating clones of many popular websites like Facebook, Instagram, and more. 


In a conclusion, if I say Mongo DB is better in my opinion and in terms of features because you can use Mongo DB for creating large databases while you cannot use MySQL for that. If you are creating a MERN application then it is also necessary to learn Mongo DB and you can also use it with other backend languages like PHP, NODE JS and more. So Mongo DB is better compared to MySQL but MySQL is also good if you want to create a backend fast and their community is much bigger than Mongo DB and they also provide better documentation. 

But as a conclusion, Mongo DB is better. 

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