Html5 boilerplate : Basic boilerplate code | All-time-dev

Html5 boilerplate : Basic boilerplate code | All-time-dev

Doctype: It is used to show the HTML version of the web page.

HTML: It is used to help the browser understand that we are writing HTML code.

Meta Charset: It tells the browser we are using UTF 8 characters encoding.

head: It is used to show the head of the web page which contains the meta description, title, and more.

Meta Viewport: It is used to make the website a responsive view and after that, we use media queries to make the website responsive.

Title: It is used to give the title of the web page.

Body: It is used to write the code of HTML.

Which extension do we use to create an HTML file?

Ans: To create an HTML file we use .htm or .html like - index.html or like index.htm

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